2011. október 24., hétfő

WALK Puzzler 1 - The start

I'm proud to announce the start of my new blog series called WALK Puzzler. Here you can scratch your head and test your English.

This is also the start of a competition lasting till the end of this year. Be the best WALKER and win THE DRUNKARD'S WALK: How Randomness Rules Our Lives by Leonard Mlodinow.

What do you have to do in order to participate? Only three things:
  • First, like WALK Program on Facebook. This way you'll be informed about the new posts immediately. 
  • Then send me as many correct answers for WALK Puzzler questions as you can in email.
    (You have 72hours to answer each question. Late answers won't be accepted.) 
  • And last but not least, like those Puzzler posts on FB you've answered.
The competition is to be closed on 31 December 2011. You are the best WALKER if you have the most correct answers.
My husband is excluded from the competition.

Let's see the first puzzle.

Look at the sentences below. The same word is missing from them. What's that? (Only one word is the answer.)

She is the latest in a ____________ line of controversial leaders. 
If you take the ____________ view, of course, you can regard staff training as an investment for the company.
He's paid well but he works ____________ hours.

Send me your answer via email.

WALK in English

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