2011. november 18., péntek

Laugh a minute: You needn't bother.

Have you seen Bridget Jones’s Diary? I know it was released 10 years ago. But I think it’s one of the funniest films ever. 

It’s Friday and the weather is quite dull here. I hope this short part of the film will give you a lift.

After watching it, try to decide who said the following words and sentences.

apart from  sg
despite appearances
go out of your way to do sg
It didn’t work out with …
I’m delighted to hear it.
There are elements of the ridiculous about you.
You really needn’t bother.
You really are an appallingly bad public speaker.
You tend to let whatever's in your head come out of your mouth without much consideration of the consequences.

Then try to choose the English equivalent for the Hungarian words below from the bold words in the list above. 

a látszat ellenére
azon lenni, arra törekedni, hogy
függetlenül vmitől
Kár a gőzért!, Kár ezzel foglalkoznod.
kuszán, érthetetlenül
nevetséges (a mondatban: nevetségesség)

WALK in English.

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