2011. október 22., szombat

Spread the word: Despite

While speaking or writing, we use connecting words quite frequently. But to put your thoughts nicely, you have to apply many of them.
Today we are going through some synonyms of despite. I hope you'll find it useful.

despite sg/ in spite of sg
I still enjoyed the week despite the weather.
Greece's finances are worsening, despite the release of the latest bail-out loans.

in the face of sg
She left home in the face of strong opposition from her parents.
Optimism persists in the face of experiencing failure.

in the teeth of sg
The road was built in the teeth of fierce opposition from the public.
The demonstration has been started in the teeth of strong opposition from the ruling party.

I don't think children should be hit, irregardless of what they've done wrong.
Some children are fools irregardless of their family circumstances and compensate with violence.

no thanks to sy
It's no thanks to you that I arrived on time.
Thankfully no one has been injured but those graces are no thanks to those who are behind this attack.

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