2011. november 9., szerda

Spread the word: Leaf

There is something I really love doing, unfortunately it’s a kind of seasonal activity: walking on fallen leaves. It comforts my mind and soul as well. The rustling sound, the incredibly harmonic scene and the smell of the fresh autumn air.

This is my favourite part of the year and therefore leaves have got into the focus of my attention this time.

To leaf through something is similar to the expression ‘to look through something’. It means you turn the pages of a book or a magazine quickly and you read only a little of it.
While I was waiting I leafed through a magazine.

If you turn over a new leaf, you change your way of life to become a better, more responsible person, for example you give up an unhealthy habit, like smoking.
Apparently he's turned over a new leaf and he's not smoking any more.

If you take a leaf out of someone’s book, you copy something that someone else does in order to gain advantages.
Pro-lifers need to take a leaf out of the animal rights movement's books. (from The Telegraph)

Try to find out your own sentences with the expressions above. You can also leave some of them in the comment field.

WALK in English – Haladjunk az angollal!                      

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