2011. december 12., hétfő

WALK Puzzler 8.

Are you new to WALK Puzzler? Click here for details.

This time 5 words are missing, one from each sentence. Read the sentences and write the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the gaps. There are two examples at the beginning.

The president took the extraordinary (ordinary) step of apologizing publicly for his behaviour!
The equipment is still at the experimental (experiment) stage.
People with asthma have _____________ (difficult) in breathing.
For her, only the weekends made life _____________ (bear).
My piano playing has improved _____________ (signify) since I've had a new teacher.
I've never met anyone so arrogant and _____________ (opinion).
The job offers excellent _____________ (promote) prospects.

Send me your answer via email (info(at)ewalk.hu) until December 15.

WALK in English

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