2011. szeptember 18., vasárnap

A drop in the ocean: Scratch your head

A king wants an advisor and comes to ask the 3 wisest sages

blindfolds them and put the hats on their head. Afterwards, 
the king takes off their blindfolds. He tells them that their hat is either blue or white. He tells them that whoever can deduce the color of their hat will be his next advisor.
Also he tells them that at least one of the sages will be wearing a blue hat. The sages can all see each other's hats except of course, their own. Sage A can see that the other 2 are wearing blue hats.

For hours no one spoke, then Sage A stands up and tells the king the colour of his hat. 
What color is it and how does he know? 

from puzzles4you.blogspot.com

Scratch your head. If you've figured out the solution, please share it as a comment or via email. I'm also interested in your reasoning. I'll write mine tomorrow night. 

Language exam? You will WALK it.

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