2011. szeptember 11., vasárnap

Grammary: Present Perfect - Introduction, Part 2

In the first part of Grammary, the main usage of Present Perfect was introduced.
But there's another occurence of Present Perfect we have to briefly mention.

You can meet PP after some modals, namely:
- would, should, could and 
- must, may, might, could and can't - when they express certainty or likelihood.

Modal+Present Perfect is the past form of these modals which means that it is not PP as far as the meaning is concerned but the structure follows its pattern (have + past participle).

In this short BBC video (9/11: Images from New York that shocked the world) there are some examples for this usage of Present Perfect.

It should have been a perfect day.
This must have been a terrible accident.
By now, many hundreds of people must already have been dead.
At that time, there would have been about 10.000 people in each tower.

In the next Grammary, you can read about typical situations where Present Perfect is used and, just as usual, many examples will be given.

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