2011. szeptember 19., hétfő

Grammary: Present Perfect - Examples 1.

We have already summarized the most important points considering the usage of Present Perfect (Introduction 1., Introduction 2.).

When we are watching or listening to the news, PP sentences frequently occur. It's not that surprising since news usually inform us about events and happenings that have a relevance to the present or close future.

Now let's see how it is used in an article about the successful separation of two conjoined twins.

Some PP sentences from the article:

Twins who were born joined at the head have been successfully separated by a team of British doctors.
Present result: Now they are two babies, each with a separate circulation.
We feel very lucky that our girls have been able to have the surgery that they needed.
Present result: They may lead a healthy life thanks to the surgery.
They have not suffered neurological side effects.
Present result: They are healthy now without neurological problems.

And here are some Past Simple sentences to demonstrate the difference between the two tense:
The Sudanese infants were flown to the UK by the charity Facing the World.
It happened in the past and the result of this activity is not important. Other detail is in the focus: It was the Facing the World who paid for their trip.
Baby girls Rital and Ritag Gaboura, who are 11 months old, were separated on 15 August.
It can't be PP because of the time expression.
The nature of the twins' condition meant significant blood flowed between their brains.
It's not the case anymore.

Let's surf the net for PP sentences and try to explain why they are in PP.

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