2011. szeptember 8., csütörtök

Grammary: Present Perfect - Introduction

Although teaching grammar is not in the main focus of WALK Program, but in some cases it seems necessary to pay attention to certain grammatical structures. 

The aim of the first Grammary post is to give a clear picture about the usage of Present Perfect on an intermediate level.

The first thing to bear in mind is that Present Perfect is a PRESENT tense, not a past.

1. Use PP when you are talking about the present result or effect of an activity or happening:

She has been ordered to undergo random drug and alcohol tests.
 It means that she can have a random drug test any time. 
Compare: "She was ordered to undergo random drug and alcohol test." - No connection with the present. It's possible that she will never have a test again.

Many of the escaped crocodiles have taken up residence in a nearby lake. 
It means that many crocodiles are living in a nearby lake.
Compare: "Many of the escaped crocodiles took up residence in a nearby lake." - No connection with the present. It's possible that no crocodiles are living in the nearby lake at present.

2. Use PP with certain time expressions:  yet (so far – until now), just (some minutes/seconds ago), already (earlier than expected)

- Have you reached the CBA Group yet- I haven’t called that partner yet. 
 I have just sent the email.
- When will you send the letter? - I have already sent it.

Do not use PP with time expressions referring to the past: an hour ago, yesterday, last week, at the weekend, when the flood destroyed the cages, etc.

3. Use PP when you are inside the time unit you are talking about:

I have worked a lot today.
 Our company has doubled its profit this year.
 I have travelled a lot this week.
 I’ve visited my uncle in the UK twice. (in my life)
 I haven’t been to London. (in my life)

to be continued...

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