2011. szeptember 23., péntek

A drop in the ocean: A paradox

Three people check into a hotel. They pay £30 to the manager and go to their room. The manager suddenly remembers that the room rate is £25 and gives £5 to the bellboy to return to the people. On the way to the room the bellboy reasons that £5 would be difficult to share among three people so he pockets £2 and gives £1 to each person. Now each person paid £10 and got back £1. So they paid £9 each, totalling £27. The bellboy has £2, totalling £29. Where is the missing £1?

from www.brainbashers.com

WALK Program - Haladjunk az angollal!

3 megjegyzés:

  1. Nowhere, it's not missing: they paid 27, the manager has 25, the bellboy has 2.


  2. Or you can consider the total payment: 30 at the beginning, 5 is paid back (3 to the guests, 2 to the bellboy), 25 goes for the room.

    The "trick" in the question is that the 2 aspects are mixed.

