2011. szeptember 7., szerda

Spread the word: Body language 1.

You can find yourself in situations where it's useful to know how to speak about your body. Either you go to a yoga course in English or you get to hospital after a ski accident abroad, understanding the teacher or the doctor is essential.

Look at B.K.S. Iyengar in the picture. He's performing the extended triangle pose. Follow his own instructions and check if he is doing it accordingly :)

Make sure your right leg is fully stretched.
Keep your kneecap facing front.
Press the inner edge of your left heel down on the floor.
Do not let the left thigh turn inward.
Keep your left shoulder straight.
Keep your right palm open and fully stretched.
Look at your right thumb.

If it's not clear what parts of the body are referred to, find the Hungarian translation in the first comment.

Do you want to practice this asana? These instruction are insufficient. Check this out in B.K.S. Iyengar: Yoga - the path to holistic health. Or visit an Iyengar yoga course with trained teachers.

Angol tanárt keresel? www.ewalk.hu

1 megjegyzés:

  1. kneecap - térdkalács
    heel - sarok
    thigh - comb
    shoulder - váll
    palm - tenyér
    thumb - hüvelykujj
